The day they drilled into my father’s brain, it was warm out. Unable to bear the hospital waiting room, my mother and I strolled along Toronto’s Queen Street, waiting for the hours-long operation to be over. That morning we’d accompanied him to Toronto Western Hospital for his 6 a.m. check-in. We waited while he changed into […]
“Arizona’s Bio-Paradise May be the Last 1970s Utopia Standing” Curbed

Have you heard about Arcosanti? Read my latest over at Curbed: “We have internet,” our tour guide assures us. “And we drink beer, listen to music. It’s not a cult.” It’s 94 degrees and we’re deep in the Arizona desert, about an hour north of Phoenix, touring the foundations of a utopian eco-city that […]
“A Time Machine in the Mojave Desert” Atlantic

UFOs, Howard Hughes, alien architecture, and more! “In fact, the story of George Van Tassel’s Integratron, as the machine is known, is so outlandish, so otherworldly, and so enchanting—encompassing UFOs, electromagnetism, Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Moses, and an alleged German spy—that it’s little wonder the site continues to attract tourists, artists, reporters, drifters, and spiritual […]
“5 Reasons to Stop Cleaning Your Apartment” Refinery 29

If you’re like me, you may have recently tried to declutter your life. You may have taken nine garbage bags of stuff to the Salvation Army (or tried to sell your stuff to Beacon’s Closet with humiliating results). If you’re like me, your closet and, let’s face it, your entire apartment, still look exactly the […]
“America’s Lost National Parks” Backpacker Magazine

Originally published in Backpacker Magazine America’s 59 national parks and 109 national monuments feature some of the country’s most recognizable landscapes and landmarks. But what of the parks that were quietly decommissioned due to a lack of funding or even vandalism? It’s true—a national park designation isn’t always permanent. We’ve rounded up some of the […]
“The Curious History of a Forgotten Canadian Institution” Northern Ontario Tourism

“It is to be hoped that it shows the firm reality of something unusual which grew where one would not expect it, something useful, something honest, something that might refresh one’s mind, something to which, once they have found it, people continue to return again and again, during all the years of its existence.” –Lois […]
“Forget Fabio: The New Wave of Indie Romance Covers” Publishers Weekly

“The rapid embrace of self-publishing over the past decade has increased the competition among indie romance authors to put out professional, memorable cover designs that fit within the genre and adhere to current trends, but that stand out in a crowded market. And while the cover design process at a major publisher may involve the […]
“This Social Publishing Platform Might Be the Key To You Becoming an Award-Winning Writer” Teen Vogue

“Sixteen months ago, Anna Todd had never published a thing—she was working odd jobs and had never thought about becoming a professional writer. Now, in 2014, Todd has a four-book deal with Simon and Schuster and recently attended the AMAs as a digital influencer—plus Paramount Pictures is planning a movie based on her book. So […]